Chemical Formula |
CaMg(CO3)2 |
Composition |
Calcium magnesium carbonate. The amount of calcium and magnesium in most specimens is equal, but occasionally one element may have a slightly greater presence than the other. Small amounts of iron and manganese are sometimes also present. |
Variable Formula |
(Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn)2(CO3)2 |
Color |
Colorless, white, gray, peach, pink, yellow, and orange. Rarely yellow, green, red, and black. |
Streak |
White |
Hardness |
3.5 - 4 |
Crystal System |
Hexagonal |
Crystal Forms and Aggregates |
Common in groups of small rhombohedral crystals, often with curved, saddle-like faces. Also prismatic, (although usually slightly curved), grainy, botryoidal, coxcomb, and massive. Uncommon in large rhombohedrons or rhombohedral aggregates.
Transparency |
Transparent to translucent |
Specific Gravity |
2.8 - 3.0 |
Luster |
Vitreous, pearly |
Cleavage |
1,3 - rhombohedral |
Fracture |
Conchoidal |
Tenacity |
Brittle |
Other ID Marks |
Occasionally fluorescent bluish-white or pink in shortwave ultraviolet light. |
Complex Tests |
Effervesces in hydrochloric acid. Slowly dissolves in nitric acid and hydrochloric acids. |
In Group |
Carbonates; |
Striking Features |
Curved crystals and crystal groupings, associate minerals and environment |
Environment |
In sedimentary rock such as dolomite rock and limestones. Occasionally in high-temperature metamorphic rocks and low-temperature hydrothermal veins.
Rock Type |
Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic |
Popularity (1-4)
2 |
Prevalence (1-3)
1 |
Demand (1-3) |
1 |
- Hot-pink, cobalt-rich variety of Dolomite.
- Grouping of white to pinkish curved Dolomite crystals with a pearly luster.
Dolomite is used to make magnesia, which has important medicinal applications. It is important in the chemical industry for the preparation of magnesium salts. It is also used in soil mixtures to lower the acid levels of the soil.
Dolomite specimens from the the Midwest localities in the Tri-State region of Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas are popular collector items. The clear transparent specimens from Spain and the hot-pink variety from the Congo make rare and unusual specimens that are highly sought after by collectors. Dolomite rock is used as an ornamental and structural stone, and for extracting certain metals from their ores.
Many localities have produced fine Dolomite specimens. As it is a very common mineral, only several select ones are listed here.
The most prominent European Dolomite occurrence is Eugui, Navarra, Spain, where water-clear, transparent crystals uniuque to this occurrence were found in fairly large crystal sizes. Other European localities include the Traversella, Piedmont, Italy; Binn Tal, Wallis, Switzerland; Oberdorf an der Laming, Styria, Austria; the Castilla quarry, Setiles, Spain; and Kapnik, Maramures Co., Romania. Two important African deposits, famous among collectors for the hot-pink cobalt-rich Dolomite, are Kolwezi, Katanga (Shaba), Congo (Zaire); and Bou Azzer, Morocco. Tsumeb, Namibia, was an outstanding producer of specimen-grade Dolomite, especially of the green, copper-rich type.
Other rich worldwide deposits are the Shangbao mine, Hunan Province, China; Brumado, Bahia, Brazil; and Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico. The best U.S. occurrences of Dolomite are in the tri-state mining district of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma, especially the localities of Picher and Joplin, Ottawa Co., Oklahoma, where curved groups of lustrous pink, peach, and white crystals occurred with Galena, Sphalerite, and Chalcopyrite. Two other good Midwest localities are Black Rock, Lawrence Co., Arkansas; and the Sweetwater Mine, Reynolds Co., Missouri. Dolomite was also found in Pennsylvania in the Binkley-Ober Quarry, Manheim, Lancaster Co.
A large dolomite body extends southwest of Lake Ontario in Ontario, Canada, and crosses into the New York border at the Niagara Falls area. It runs several hundred miles through central New York. Several dolomite and limestone quarries in this area have produced nice Dolomite crystals. These include the following New York quarries: the LaFarge Quarry, Lockport, Niagara Co., New York; the Penfield Quarry, Penfield, Monroe Co.; the Walworth Quarry, Walworth, Wayne Co.; and the Herkimer Diamond mining localities. In Canada, this dolomite zone has produced nice crystals at the Canal Dump in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, has produced Dolomite in the form of unusual green crystal clusters.
Calcite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Marcasite, Galena, Fluorite, Celestine, Gypsum, Barite, Siderite, Quartz
Calcite - Lower hardness, easily effervesces in cold, dilute hydrochloric acid, lacks rounded crystals. Aragonite - Lacks the cleavage of Dolomite, crystals not curved. Quartz - Much harder. Gypsum - Much softer, is sectile and slightly flexible. Anhydrite - Different cleavage, does not effervesce. Magnesite - Massive and fine-grained specimens cannot be distinguished from Dolomite by ordinary methods.
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