Besides for the extremerly rare Red Beryl, Morganite is the least common gem form of Beryl. Its color tone is usually light pink, deeper pink stones and those with an orange tinge are more valuable. Large clear crystals of Morganite have been found, which have enabled fairly large flawless crystals to be cut from them.
Morganite is a minor pink gemstone, being faceted into gemstone cuts as well as polished into cabochons.
Morganite is sometimes heat treated to improve its color and remove yellowish tones. Heat treatment for Morganite can be achieved at relatively low temperatures.
The main sources of Morganite are Brazil, Madagascar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the U.S. (California, Maine).
Kunzite is softer, and Rose Quartz is usually less transparent as well as being slightly softer. Pink Topaz is usually a deeper pink color, but otherwise can be difficult to distinguish. Pink Tourmaline and pink Spinel are usually darker in color.
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