Strontianite With Celestite
Strontianite With Celestite from Oberdorf-on-the-Lamming, Steiermark, Styria, Austria
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description This fine Strontianite specimen has a superb 3.5-cm crystal with the best translucency and rich waxy color and high luster for this material. The crystal is exhibiting stepped growth, which throws off many facets and makes this prettier than ost of your basically-brown minerals tend to be. It looks sparkly, in other words. Added to this is that the Strontianite has a contrasting matrix of lustrous, white, Celestine crystals, to .3 cm across. The quality of this miniature is incredible. Bill Smith, a noted collector of rarities, bought this for $3.50 in 1958... a lot of money at the time for a rare locality specimen! These date back to the 1800s, although some have also been found more recently. It I s impossible to say when this came out but its suspect as an older one due to the fact that modern examples of such quality haven't been seen.
Locality Oberdorf-on-the-Lamming, Steiermark, Styria, Austria
Dimensions 4.2 x 3.6 x 1.9 cm.
Specimen Grade D
Photograph Photo

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