Polybasite, Calcite, and Stephanite
Polybasite, Calcite, and Stephanite from Fresnillo de Gonzalez Echeverria (Fresnillo), Mun. de Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description A major specimen of Mexican silver species, with sharp Polybasite crystals that are literally the size and aspect of Swiss Hematites. Apparently the piece turned up at a small show, having come directly from a miner in Mexico up to the show and missing the normal channels such major pieces often get funneled into. The Calcite is a wonderful accent, with such sheer, amazing contrast. The sparkling drusy Calcite highlights the metallic, lustrous blades so nicely. Small barrel-like Stephanites are in association as well (on the back) according to Dr. Terry Wallace who examined the specimen. Terry confirmed that the piece came from this small shaft adjoining two slightly different deposits, an aberration which is the reason why you have the Calcite and the Polybasite in the same place at the same time normally not seen. This is an important Mexican specimen, and an important silver species specimen.
Locality Fresnillo de Gonzalez Echeverria (Fresnillo), Mun. de Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
Dimensions 8.8 x 4.4 x 2.7 cm.
Specimen Grade D
Photograph www.iRocks.com Photo

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