Light Green Frosted Boracite Crystals
Light Green Frosted Boracite Crystals from Boulby Potash Mine, Loftus, North Yorkshire, England
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Lustrous and frosted, light green Boracite crystals to 5 mm totally comprise this entire and very rich specimen. Recovered in 1993 by the mine surveyor, this is a significant, concentrated mass of sharp tetragonal crystals showing the classic form of Boracite from this locale. Interestingly, these large nodules present a mining hazard because their hardness can damage equipment when veins are (were) hit. Ex. Lindsay Greenbank.
Locality Boulby Potash Mine, Loftus, North Yorkshire, England
Dimensions 6.7 x 6.4 x 5.8 cm.
Specimen Grade C
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